

On the road... I need some Chicana time soon...

sometimes I just want to drive.
A ice chest, snacks...
drive by and pick up my husband...
and drive

rive away, drive to a place where we can reinvent ourselves
a place where all is forgotten and new
jeans and hiking boots
gloves and scarfs
my cameras and sunglasses
I want to taste the wind, capture the light and hear life sing the soft song after a cool rain on her skin.

The world around us has changed. Think of it as a mandala. My husband and I are in the middle and all around there is shifting. It's hard because we have watched the shifts and kind of just took the batten down the hatches approach. We can not change what is in a natural motion of life for others, we can only be there for them. My cousin just went off for a second round ... air force. My other cousins came down for a dinner that I did not attend. Something told me not to. An aunt celebrated a 60th... not invited. I can't bring myself to take a painting my tia did to work... I brought it home after her death. I sits on an easel over my desk here at home. I can't take it in fear of crying. Dia de los Muertos is coming up.... no friends to help decorate... all have "things" in their lives. I'm a little frustrated.

Work .... work.... it's going great. We are being used as a flagship for an expansion of the company. I have 40 people "dropping" in next week... to see little 'ol me and my crew. Amazing.

so as always... here are some pictures, because in a time of isolation, frustration or loss... my clouds.

I can't wait to be my husband's date this Friday... I'm going to cha cha it up.