

November 2

November 2, 6:30 - 9:00 pm

We took off to Riverside. They had a Dia de los Muertos event that I have always wanted to attend, but never had the time or could not because it was on a work night. Since the second fell on a Friday, we lucked out. It started with a posada down Mission Ave. and culminated in front of the Metropolitan Museum .

They had a variety of alters on display. People from the community sharing their loved ones with us. Each alter was specific to the person it was honoring.

They had a community alter set up. You could place words on stickers and post them on the alter. You could even place items as well. I placed a sugar skull and a family photo with white sage. Great Grandma will keep on eye us all.

Directly in front of the museum there was a "Chalk" artist with this lovely display. The chin and lips where so three dimensional, so soft, yet it was on a concrete sidewalk.

The museum had free admission to the public and we went in to see the latest exhibit entitled Nuestra Historia . It was a wonderful set up. The community was gathered, the warmth of the candles on the alters filled the air and children walked around the gallery looking at the paintings, walking with the sense of importance in their eyes.