

Chicana Falsa, Chicana with out a cause...

I had the pleasure of seeing Michele Serros, author of "Chicana Falsa", speak the other night. Something that she said really made me think. She read an excerpt out of her series of writings, her tia called her a "Chicana with out a cause". These 5 words rang through my body with a chill. I feel that I'm now a Chicana with out a cause. I feel like this at work. I feel like this when I get home. Then it took me to the next thought... what if I am living the cause and don't even know it. I think that I have matured in mind and spirit to the point where I can take it to the next level. I might not be out there marching, wearing my "Chicanita" shirts, or going to rallies, but we do attend social events that promote cultural for the youth of our area. We attend scholarship dinners to raise money for the future, we help the community through our jobs. Support local Chicano artist that are up in coming and various others in simimlar ways. It's the next level. I'm doing what others have done for me.... I'm am one of those adults that I used to look to and say... "I want to be able to afford to do that... afford to give back."
My life is and what I do with it to help others is now my cause...